Saturday, August 4, 2007


[Brooke Bergeson-our counselor, Mindy Marsh, Me, Danny, Rylee Rogers, Chris Chambers

These are the friends that I was with the whole time at efy. The girls were in my company, but the boys were all in a different company. I met them because Chris, the one in the BYU Idaho shirt, was playing hackysack with a couple other kids and I was bored, so I went up to him and asked if I could play and they let me, so I just talked to Chris for a while and then we became friends throughout the whole week at efy. It was so fun!

This was my whole group. I loved them so much! The boys cracked me up and it was so fun to be escorted by them and have them tell the funniest stories!

These are the girls on my floor. They were all from Arizona and we all live so close to eachother it's crazy! I love them so much and i loved that I could be crazy around them and they wouldnt even care!
I loved efy so much and I want to go back SO BAD!