Tuesday, July 31, 2007


This is my sister Cortney and me at the ice-skating place.
I love her so much!
My family and the Crandalls went ice-skating on Friday night. It was way fun! There was like no one there and we were having so much fun with our little snow ball fight! I love the Crandalls so much! We had a blast and I want to go again so bad!
the picture- from left to right.
[Cortney, Jordan, Abby Crandall, Caitie Crandall, && Olivia Crandall]

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Trip Home

When we were on our way to the airport after efy, my sister whipped out her camera and said, "LET'S TAKE PICTURES!" I wasn't really feeling up to that because i was sad about going home from efy. I'm glad we took pictures though because now i remember how i felt when i left. I miss efy so much! I had such a blast and I met the most incredible people ever! I'm so glad i went at the time I did because if i went earlier, i wouldnt have had my counselor, Brooke, and she's the most amzing person ever! She's such a great example and i lover her to death! I can't get my camera to work though, so once i have that going, im gonna do an efy post. There's wayy more to come about efy, with better pictures and stuff, so i can't wait to get the camera going!

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Egg Experiment

When my family went camping, my brother, sister and i were so bored, and we decided to cook an egg-hardboiled style-on the fire. We stuck it on the fire and watched it for about 10 minutes, and we were getting antsy so we took it off using a shovel. The first 2 eggs broke, because we couldnt get them off right. We tried it one more time and we got the egg off just fine! We held it in the shovel while we broke it open. IT SMELLED SO BAD! We didn't know where to throw it away because my mom wouldn't let us take it in the RV, so we just had my brother throw it into the forest somewhere. It was really fun doing that "experiment", but i really don't recommend it, because once it breaks open it smells so bad!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

CORT. [skittzy]

This is my best friend Cortney Quent. She's also my sister. I love her with all my heart and no matter what, she's always there to cheer me up! Right now, she's in summer school, and has been for the last 3 weeks. I HATE IT! When I wake up, she's already done with summer school, so she goes in her room and sleeps. She's always tired, so we can't hang out. I really can't wait for it to be over!
We rarley get into any fights and if we get into a "fight" it's usually just about what movie to watch on Sunday nights or just weird things like that, and it's over very quickly and we go on acting like nothing happened. We have some pretty hilarious inside jokes, and whenever we get the time, [or a ride] we go to Starbucks for a vanilla bean thing. Haha oh man. I love her so much and she's so cute and gorgeous and funny and just the biggest role model for me! I LOVE YOU CORTNEY!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


This is a picture of my little brother Jordan, my sister Cortney, and me in California a couple years ago-for my soccer tournament-at Mission Beach. We all said, "JUMP" and Jordan jumped really high. haha he cracks me up! Melia Mason and I tried to get in EFY at California, but got denied, so we decided to try Provo. I'm so excited for EFY! We're going next week, and I just want to leave right now! This post has like no point, but I'm just SO EXCITED for EFY, so i just made it for fun, haha.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Mesa Soccer Club

This is my team in Las vegas last year for a tournament. I made the Mesa Soccer Club team again for the 5th year in a row. To be honest, I'm sick of soccer! I told my dad that the only way i was gonna play soccer again- for the 9th year- was if i could do Molten Volleyball and Kristen Adam's Dance Barn. He told me that he was totally fine with that, except that i might not have enough time for all that. I'm gonna do it anyways! I'll have practices for soccer Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, practices for Molten on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and dance Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school. Then I'll have tournaments for volleyball every other weekend and for soccer, games every Saturday plus the tournaments. Then, to top it all off, I'm gonna play Mountain View soccer, and Stapley Track. I don't know how I'm gonna keep that one going, but I'll figure something out! It's gonna be really hard to keep up with my accelerated classes, student council and all of these sports, but i love being busy! I'm so scared, but way excited at the same time.